I am a book worm. Always been, always will be. I read all I am get my hands on and I am well known for spending lots of money on books. Even when I was living in a room in a shared house I still had to find room for my books. I agreed on buying this massive shelving unit with my roommate just because i could put my books in there so I can have some sense of home. My living room was full of books. From a certain angle it actually looked like a library and I loved it.
I guess it was no surprise that while pregnant I bought baby books for me to read and loads of books I wanted to read to my baby. I started reading to read since before she was born. It was the only activity that felt natural and brought be closer and closer to that little munchkin who was kicking Day and night in my belly.

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I was reading out loud so she can hear my voice and the magical stories I was telling her about. Baby books, tiny stories, grown up books – it did not matter. I think she loved them all as she never complained about mummy’s activity.
When she was born I used to keep her in my arms and read to her. At first it was “Do you know how much I love you?” By Sam McBratney and after we went to Peek-a-Boo I love you as she was seeing better and she loved the illustrations as well. These two books kept my baby calm for few good months. She still loves them and even if they look like they have been through a war we always go back to them.

They are easy to read and the pictures keep her entertained.
Peek-a-boo I love you teaches your little one how to love their family and animals as well. Mummy is illustrated as a bear and daddy as a cat. Further on we got grandad as dog and grandma as a bunny and at the end we got the owls wishing us all a good night.
I found it a good book to read before bed with my little girl as well as an all day entertainment.

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I have no family with me as I decided on abandoning my comfy nest and move to a different country so it is hard to implement the love of grandparents and show what they actually mean to a one year old who never met them. This tiny book teaches her about grandma and grandpa and how she should love them no matter what. They see each other on Skype every day and now she learned to hand me the iPad and claps her hands when she sees them. It makes my heart melt and I can only say that she loves dogs and bunnies as well (like I mentioned every family member in the book is presented as an animal).

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Now that she is more independent she picks up her own books, brings them to me and I have to read every story at least five to ten times a day.
No matter how much she enjoys all of them she will always come back to her old love Peek-a-Boo I love you.

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My little one is only 15 months old but her love for books is immense. I am so proud that I am raising a book lover in a world where technology takes the place of everything.
I can’t wait to discover more and more books to introduce to Ruby as she grows up.


Disclosure: The books are purchased by me and all pictures belong to me



5 thoughts on “Peek-a-boo! I love you (my little book lover)

  1. I got the new peek-a-boo playbook – I can say please. It is so good and teaches babies to use thank you, please and I am sorry. I love it 😍 #KLTR


  2. I have seen some of these Peekaboo books and they really look quite cool. I think they are really great for little ones. Thanks for linking up to #KLTR

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