Is your baby sleeping through the night? Cause mine doesn’t. She is almost five months old and lately she acts like she is possessed. I have no idea what to do with her. During the day she is such a happy little monkey but comes night the world changes. She doesn’t cry. No. She is good like that but she rolls over in bed, goes from one end to the other and one side to the other, her legs go up in a rapid movement like she wants to compete for the Olympics. It is almostΒ 8:30 pmΒ now. She is supposed to be asleep. You know what she does? She is in her bed, sideways, dribbling and talking to herself Β  I think she is having a very interesting conversation as long as it keeps her awake. Or maybe my baby is such a mature grown up that she thinks ofΒ tomorrowΒ in my place. She’s probably planning her behavior for when we go out.

And she is showing me the middle finger. Smart child. I am not sure if she actually knows what she’s doing and what it means but rest assured she practiced a lot. And I am just staring at her praying she would go to sleep. I am the dummy giver and the voice of a lullaby. I only “la la la” as I have no idea about lyrics. I whisper the song maybe she gets the idea but instead she gives me a sweet smile and a proper naughty look like telling me to not get my hopes up tonight. She only let me sleep about few hours the previous night so what is another one?
I know people with babies and they all swear their little one sleeps through the night. They complain if the monkey wakes up once. And me? I wake up to move her into a normal sleeping position. I wake up to give her the dummy so she won’t start running in bed, I wake up to feed her and sometimes to just hold her so she will sleep calmly in my arms for a while. Is my sleep too light and all babies do the same or other babies actually sleep an entire night without bothering their mummy. Which one is it?
It’s almostΒ 9 pmΒ and I wonder if she ever gets tired. Food is already cold, my glass of wine is still intact on the kitchen table and I realised I haven’t had a shower today. I need one before bed, whenever that will be. But it’s ok. I got used to all these. What will always be a mystery is Ruby’s capacity to move her legs up and down like a champion without getting tired or waking up. She does it in her sleep like it’s part of a ritual or something. I wish I could do it. I would get so toned up I swear I’d have a six pack in just a week.
Fast forward to 1 am when I found her sideways crying. Probably she got scared. There. Took me a while to console her.
Go get milk ready.
Feed baby.Β Finally she went to bed and I went to sleep for what seemed and eternity but it was just an hour and a half. She woke me up a few times last night culminating with a leaky nappy at 5 am when I had to change her and obviously she was wide awake cracking jokes with me. When she finally fell asleep it was close to 7 am and so she had to eat again.Β 
SO yes, does my baby sleep through the night? Hell no. How does yours? I swear Ruby has her routine before bed and we always make sure we respect it so there must be something wrong with her or me. I don’t know. Something is wrong. Or you just saying your baby sleeps so no other mum can judge you about it? Cause if you do I understand but please let me know. I don’t judge. I just need to know.
PS: Needless to say after the morning feed we both fell asleep in the rocking chair.

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