I write this post while holding ruby in my arms. She just fell asleep and I can’t get myself to put her in bed. Her little hand is holding my arm so tight and I just stare at her perfect face exactly as I did one year ago when she was born. She is all changed but still perfect. Those bright eyes, that tiny nose and her chubby cheeks are incredible. I could never stop looking at them and wanting to kiss them. She is so peaceful and beautiful.
Today was her birthday and we had some people over. No kids as unfortunately none of my friends who got babies are living close by. But to be fair ruby won’t remember who she celebrated her first year with.
We got her a little cake and prepared some appetizers. Nothing fancy but nice. Some of the work people who remembered her birthday came over and got her such lovely gifts.
She was celebrated since yesterday. My friend came over and got Ruby the cutest Adidas shoes (I am in love with them) and a pink tracksuit, a dress and matching leggings. Obviously my little princess only acknowledged the shoes as she loves chewing on them. I think she’s got a thing for shoes. She was so excitedΒ  and laughed a lot with my friend, she had so many cuddles and giggles and just the sight of her in this mood made me happy.

Today she got a little best friend bunny, dresses, tops, one rattle friends book, the first 100 words of Peppa Pig book, the puzzle soft carpet with letters and numbers that is absolutely brilliant and two bubble machines for the bath. So many presents that made her babble all day long.

She was so herself in front of so many people I couldn’t believe it

I was afraid she would get grumpy and uncomfortable as she did before. But no. It only took her few minutes to adjust to the environment and that was it. So natural and cute. She enjoyed all her toys and had a proper laugh with the bubbles.
I look at her now while she sleeps and recall the beautiful moments we had today. We sang Happy Birthday to her and I blew the candle in her place. She was so drawn to the cake it was funny. I gave her a tiny bit and she was so desperate for more ( I didn’t want to have a baby on sugar rush so that tiny bit was enough).
She had pita bread and humus as well today and she also loved the taste of it. She learned that if I eat she gets to try different things so sometimes it feels like having a little puppy in the house. So adorable.Β  So innocent, curious and eager to learn.
Can’t say how proud she makes me when playing with books, talking and having fun with them. She is attracted to letters and numbers more than to other toys and wait for it … not into that annoying little Peppa PigΒ  Β She prefers Sponge Bob and Looney Tunes. This girl has good taste πŸ˜‹
I feel like she is an old soul just like the midwife told her when she was born. Getting ready for the world ahead, trying to be center of attention everywhere she goes and laughing all day long (sometimes even in her sleep). She is my happy baby, my entire universe and I live to give her everything she will ever want.

This year was the fastest to pass. Full of good and bad but overall an amazing journey through motherhood

I learned so many things about myself and my baby and I have tested all my limits. A year full of sleepless nights, laughter and joy, tears and frustration has just passed and another one unfolds before my eyes. I just started to write a new chapter in The Book of Life. Full of hopes and dreams I am eager to discover what it holds for me and specially for this amazing tiny person growing every day and getting smarter and smarter by the minute.

I am prepared for happiness and I am prepared for tantrums and frustrating times that will turn into amazing memories

a year from now

PS: I wrote this post yesterday.
Happy Easter for everyone celebrating today and a big Thank you to everyone to texted us and called to wish Ruby a happy birthday πŸŽ‰

9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday my little girl

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